Camera? Check. Battery? Check. But that is the correct Fujifilm battery charger do you need? You really don’t want to order the wrong one and have to wait for another one to come in. In this database you can find which Fujifilm battery charger you need as an accessory.
Fujifilm battery Charger database
wdt_ID | Camera | Charger | USB Charging | Price check |
Camera | Charger | USB Charging | Price check |
Please note: While all the care was made for accuracy to err is human so this information is provided as-is
How to find the correct Fujifilm battery charger for your camera
Look at the bottom of the “Camera name” column and input your camera’s name. This will search the database and will show you the correct charger on the right. You can look to the left and see if you can charge it by USB too.
Which Fujifilm camera can be charged by USB?
One of the best reasons why Fujis rock is that you don’t really need a dedicated charger for a lot of them. If you want to check out which Fujifilm cameras can be charged by USB, simply put YES under the USB Charging column and only those who support it will be shown.
Fuji Third party chargers
For once the third party Fujifilm battery chargers are actually better than the original. Why? Because the original charger is an AC charger while the third party ones offer the ability to charge via USB. And if you camera can be charged directly via a cable, this offers a lot of freedom.
You can simply charge directly in camera or you can pull the cable and charge two batteries at the same time.
1. Wasabi Power
This charger comes not one but two extra batteries and Wasabi is one of the best third party battery manufacturers out there. The cable is mini USB.
2. Powerextra
While bigger than the Wasabi, this charger and 2x battery combo offers a small display to judge how far along charging is. Micro USB cable.
3. Firstpower
This is like the Powerextra one but has two cahrging options, either USB C or Mini USB making it very convenient if you have a Fuji that takes USB C.
Fujifilm AA chargers
If your Fujis take AA batteries, the best choice is to get 4x Eneloop batteries that also comes with a charger.
Do not charge regular, non-rechargeable batteries, this can lead to a huge hazard. Instead of running to the store every time you need a battery, you can simply charger them saving you thousands of dollars in the process. This is also very good for the environment as you won’t need to fill the landfill with thousands of dead batteries that you only use once.
I hope you enjoyed this article about Fujifilm battery chargers. While they can be charger with a dedicated charger, many Fujis can be charger directly trough USB but you can’t charge two batteries at a time.