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Fuji vs Leica: Which one is better? 2022

When it comes to Fuji cameras they are often compared with Leica, which brings us to the question: Fuji vs Leica, which one is better? Let’s look at the facts and decide.

What is the connection between the two

Let’s get something straight, when it comes to Fuji vs Leica, there wouldn’t be any Fuji without any Leica. Well first of all you could make the argument that Leica practically invented modern photography as before them there would not be any small cameras but large ones you needed a Donkey to haul, but I am not going to go there.

Fuji vs Leica: You can see where the x100 took some inspiration

Simply put, while Fuji always had cameras, their Magnum opus is the X lines, and when you see the first X100, well it takes a LOT of inspiration from the Leica cameras. So this is the main connection between the two, Leica inspired Fuji, now the real question becomes…did it surpass it?

Fuji vs Leica Comparing the models

Let’s talk concretely, when talkin about Fuji vs Leica what are we talking about? Both companies have a myriad of cameras available and it would be unfair to compare cameras that do not go head to head with each other. I will omit pretty much everything from Leica except two of the closest line that Fuji rivals: Leica M, Leica Q and Leica CL. And for Fuji I am mostly going to talk about the X100 and X-Pro line.

If you want to compare directly, only Leica has full frame cameras, Fuji only has APSC sensor cameras.

Fuji vs Leica: Where Leica wins and Fuji fails


Ask any Leica shooter why they like it and the answer will probably be something along the line of the simplicity of the camera. There’s only 3 things you really need to control the image: Shutter speed, ISO and Aperture, and Leica hovers around those 3 and never deviated.

This makes cameras that are essentially mostly about the image, where you can concentrate on just that. It is a bit different of course with the Leica Q and CL but both still come from the point of view of less is more, like with the Leica’s simple menus (You can get lost in Fuji menus!)

Historical significance

Leica made the modern camera, there’s no two ways about it, and every manufacturer owes them something in that sense. When shooting a Leica there is the weight of historical significance that is on your shoulder and because, brand power you tend to feel it.

Lens usage

There is something special about Leica lenses. First of all they are full frame lenses and some of the smallest lenses too. So Leica very often wins in terms of size. And most lenses come with a little focusing tab that you put your finger on in order to focus. Once you get use to one your will develop a “feel” for where something is an you can become quite fast.

Fuji vs Leica: The looks

Those lenses are also some of the most durable in the world because they are optical and manual focus. So they last forever and are built like a tank. Fuji on the other hand have larger lenses for the most part and they either have a deflated look or just don’t look as good.

Where Fuji wins and Leica fails

Balancing simplicity and complexity

Leicas are simple cameras and cannot get more complex. If for some reason you find yourself missing shots because you don’t have the correct framelines, tough luck. Fuji on the other hand makes cameras that are as complex as any DSLR, but it can be just as minimalistic as Leicas.

So yeah you can get your viewfinder full of stuff like histograms and all that goodness, but if you wanted to you could put your viewfinder in optical mode and have a similar feeling as shooting a rangefinder, and never look at any menu. Most Fuji lenses have aperture rings and for the shutter speed dial it’s on top. If you lift the dial you can change the ISO as see in that little window between shutter speeds.

Fuji vs Leica: Fuji has the best of both worlds

So it is both complex and simple as you want it to be, and more importantly as the situation demands it to be. If I was to shoot something requiring precision, I’d run for the X-Pro at 30 fps and not the 5fps of the M.

In their defense Leica does have the Leica Q2 and Leica CL that are very digital and can rival the X-Pro in terms of power (Q2 does video and 30fps, but it is fixed lens) but there is something neither of these have. Next point…

That unique viewfinder

Viewfinders are an important part of the shooting experience so let’s talk about Fuji vs Leica viewfinders. When it comes to Leica you either have an optical viewfinder or a digital viewfinder. The Q2 and CL have a digital viewfinder so let’s leave it at that. The M has an optical viewfinder with integrated framelines, like 28 & 90mm, 50 & 75mm and 35 & 135. Ok great. What if you want to shoot 21mm? Or any other focal length for that matter?

You will need an external viewfinder for that. Or you can also attach a digital viewfinder instead so that you have access to both, but this is yet another accessory that you have to buy (and they are EXPENSIVE for what they are) and that you have to carry. Plus you are not always 100% on what you are shooting, if something is in front of the lens (or if you forgot to remove the cap), you would never know until you review the shots.

The Fujis on the other hand have one of the most unique viewfinders in the industry. It is an optical viewfinder that is reminiscent of Leica’s own, and is compatible with all the lenses. It also has built in parallax correction (Remember that the viewfinder is slightly offset on a Leica and what you see is not 100% what you get) and it can superimpose information OVER the optical image.

Just imagine looking at a normal glass viewfinder and seeing information like the histogram appearing over the frame, it is incredible. Flip a switch on the front and you have yourself an electronic viewfinder.

Fuji’s hybrid viewfinder is nothing short of revolutionary and essentially gives you a rangefinder feel without dealing with the actual garbage of shooting with a rangefinder like parallax and having need for extra viewfinders.

Just put the lens in already

Those addictive Leica lenses? Just put them on your Fuji. Fuji is one of the few manufacturers that have a first party adapter for M lenses. You don’t need a lot of money either, Voigtlander lenses are some of the best ones out there and rivals Leica’s own offerings.

The combination of M lenses on Fuji cameras really gives you the best of all the worlds. Small lens on a rangefinder style body. It is something to behold and really puts you into the flow.

Fuji vs Leica


Next in our Fuji vs Leica comparison, price. Well, Leicas are expensive. For the most part because they are hand assembled in Wetzlar, Germany. The only Leica that you could potentially eye with a Fuji budget would the the Leica CL but there is nowhere near the amount of lenses that you can get on Fuji and once again, this is a digital viewfinder while Fuji has hybrid viewfinders.

If you want the most bang for your buck, it is Fuji all the way. You pay a lot for that brand name when you go Leica.

Which is better, Leica or Fuji?

Fuji makes better cameras because they are much more innovative. Thy figure out that people REALLY love the rangefinder style of cameras but don’t want to deal with real rangefinders and them being limited to certain frame lines.

Only Fujis can be as complex as a top of the line DSLR and as simple as a Leica M. For better of for worse, Leica is stuck in the past when it comes to cameras. They can’t have it any other way. Their next M HAS to be a rangefinder (with all of the quirks), it HAS to shoot M lenses and it HAS to be about the same size (there’s physics involved). That is why some of the most interesting offerings from Leica is the Q2 and the CL.

Which is better, Fuji vs Leica? Fuji in my book

Both can rival Fuji, but both are digital viewfinders, bringing us to the conclusion that when it comes to Fuji vs Leica, Fuji made the Leica we all secretly wish we had with cameras that be just as simple and as complex as when time calls for a DSLR. It’s like having both a rangefinder with the power of a DSLR and the best of all words.

Put in the Fuji M mount adapter, turn off every info on the viewfinder and you have the ultimate M mount camera without having to deal with things like viewfinders. Need to shoot a professional gig? Turn on the electronic viewfinder so that WYSIWYG and shoot 30 fps for that exact shot you wanted.

Fuji vs Leica: Fuji made the Leica we wished for


I hope you have enjoyed this article about Fuji vs Leica. Fuji makes equal cameras but Leica has the bigger sensors. However when it comes to actually using them Fujis win because they simply took what everyone wanted from a Leica, without the quirks from using a real rangefinder like dealing with parallax and more.

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