Fujifilm vs Sony graphic

Fujifilm vs Sony: Which one is better?

Torn between Fujifilm vs Sony? Don’t be, in this article we will look at the pros and cons of each camera manufacturer to make it an easy choice.

Fujifilm vs Sony: Introduction

It is a bit hard to compare Fujifilm vs Sony because both operate differently in their strategy. Sony has full frame cameras, APSC sensor cameras and pocket cameras. Fujifilm has no full frame cameras but medium format cameras and no pocket cameras.

So in order to compare both, we have to compare apples to apples and that would be in the APSC realm, like the Sony A6000 series and the X-pro/T series.

Where both win

You have to hand it to both Sony and Fuji, both make excellent cameras that can rival Leicas. Both manufacturers also have Zeiss lenses made for them and they are absolutely excellent. Speaking of Leicas, both are great to adapt lenses on, even if you must account for the x1.5 crop factor. However, only Fuji has a first party adapter that can save lens data.

Where Sony wins and Fuji loses

Let’s start this Fujifilm vs Sony discussion by looking at Sony’s strengths.

Smaller bodies

Sony has smaller bodies | Fujifilm vs Sony

Sony cameras are simply smaller cameras. They use to make the smallest interchangeable lens camera back the with the NEX line. In comparison the Xpro is quite the chunky beast and so is the XT line of cameras. If you are looking for the most compact system, Sony is the way to go. Both however have about the same sized lenses.

Video monster

Sony A6500 video irg } Fujifilm vs Sony

Sonys are preferred for video. Mostly because you can get a ton of accessories for them and most Sonys, even if you do not have a mic jack, you can add a microphone with the proprietary hotshoe port.

The price is right

Fujifilm sits between the low end and high end in terms of price. Sony is one of the most affordable cameras you can get and you get a lot for your money. You are not going to get a Fujifilm camera for less than 4 figures.

The lenses are comparable in price and there are some that are more affordable than others. It must be said that both have an abundance of third party lenses making shooting cheap if you go either way.

Where Fujifilm wins and Sony loses

So when comparing Fujifilm vs Sony, does it mean Sony wins? Not so fast, here’s where Fuji has the upper hand…

Abandoned by Sony

I have a love-hate relationship with Sony. They make cool stuff and then abandon them. It’s a company strategy, just as the PlayStation vita fans! If whatever they push out is not an instant success, they sweep it under the rug.

The A6XXX line was working well, but it was overshadowed by the A series (full frame) and that is what Sony supports, there has not been any new APSC Sony lens for years. Fujifilm on the other hands has full support of their systems.

Abundance of External controls

Dials, dials, dials | Fujifilm vs Sony

Sony very much creates pure digital cameras while Fujifilm creates digital cameras with analogue spirit. There’s an abundance of external controls that help you focus more on shooting than fiddling with options on your camera’s screen.

Some Fuji lenses have the aperture control right on the lens like the old days and this makes it a totally different experience from scooting a Sony that is more menu driven. To be fair there are digital dials on Sony cameras (it’s like a rocker button) but this is not the same thing as a dedicated shutter dial.

Weather sealing

Fujifilm cameras, for the most part have some weather sealing and so does their WR lenses. Sony doesn’t have that. So if you are in tough situations or if you don’t want to freak out from a little splash, Fujifilm is the way to go.

The Fuji look

Fujifilm has specific colors going for them. Back then it was because of their film color science, but now it is because of their X-trans sensor. They have simulations of their old films like Provia and Velvia and it really helps you fall in love with photography more.

Experience and Mojo

There is a certain experience you get from shooting a Fujifilm camera that you simply cannot get anywhere else. This is mostly with the X-pro and x100 lines but because of all the dials the X-T line also comes close.

There is something special about using a rangefinder style body to shoot that is hard to beat. Coupled that with the hybrid viewfinder and you have an experience like none other.
No Sony cameras has optical viewfinders while Fujis (save the XT line) has both. This is the most impressive viewfinder you will ever see, capable of going digital or optical by the flick of a switch.
Moreover the Sony cameras are hard to love.

There’s simply just something so sexy about Fuji cameras that will make you want to use them vs yet another Sony camera. The best camera is the one you like shooting with, and Fuji knows how to pull your heartstrings so that you gravitate towards it vs Sony cameras, no matter how good.


There you have it about Fujifilm vs Sony. While it’s pretty much a tie in terms of quality for both companies, Fujifilm wins because it offers a unique experience with the special viewfinder and dial based operation. It’s so good that many prefer the smaller sensor Fujis to full frame Sonys. It’s just easy to fall in love with Fujifilm cameras.

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