Why is Instax so popular graphic

Why is Instax so popular? 8 Surprising Reasons

Shoot, print, repeat. Fuji dominates the instant camera market but ever wondered why is Instax so popular? Here’s 8 reasons behind the instant craze.


You’ve probably seen the Instax shots all over Flickr, Tumblr and Facebook. But why is Instax so popular? It’s a mixture of perfect timing within the history of photography and having a good product. If you are wondering which Instax is the best, check out the best Instax cameras.

Why is Instax so popular?

1- It’s the real Instagram

When Instagram popped on the scene, what really made it work besides the social media aspect was the look it could give images. There was an Instagram look, it was square format and retro looking. The old logo was modeled after an old Polaroid, right down to the rainbow stripes.

Afterwards it got a more streamlined app icon look until not too long ago when Facebook made it more corporate looking in 2016.

While filters are great and you can emulated the look…well this gives you the real look because of chemicals and not simply pushing sliders. That Instax look is the same as Polaroid (same technology) and there’s something special about those muted colors.

Instant images have never been saturated with high colors but they always warm your heart with a specific type of colors that Instagram and countless other apps have emulated. For many of the newer generation that was born after Instagram, Instax is their chance to experience the real thing.

2- Images are different when printed

An image on the computer is a very different thing than a printed image. Younger generation get to experience this for the first time while the older generation gets to experience it again.

A printed image is one that you can touch, feel and this changes your approach to things. In a way it makes you more conscious of the photograph vs the thousands of images you have on your phone that don’t mean much.

3- It’s meaningful when shared

A little continuation of the previous point. It is a very different thing if you go out, shoot a picture with your phone and share it on Facebook vs giving your friends actual prints.


This is insanely more meaningful, plus because this is a physical thing this will be put somewhere like a desk vs have it be image number 3495 on your phone that you will forget.

When traveling this is one heck of a gift to give people you meet as a gift.

4- It’s the last stand for film photography

Let me get this straight, film photography is alive and well, but in photography circles. For the population at large, it’s pretty much dead. If you want to experience film you need to get the 35mm cans (they get discontinued as time goes on), but also find somewhere to develop them and have them printed.

Instax mini 90 Neo classic | Why is Instax so popular?

There’s less an less labs around so you will probably have to mail it in. With Instax on the other hand you can enjoy film photography without going trough all of this. All you need in an Instax camera and a film pack and you are good to go.

5- It’s available everywhere

[2] Availability | Why is Instax so popular?

This is one of theose chicken and egg conundrum, is Instax popular because it is avaialbel or is it availbale because it is popular? The good news , unlike 35mm you can find prints in many places. This is not even limited to the USA either, you can travel abroad and you will find Instax film in malls, electronics and camera shops. It must be notes however that it is the Mini that you can find most commonly.

6- The snowball effect

This is more of a marketing thing than anything. Why is Instax so popular? because it is popular. One person shoots Instax, shares it, some other person likes it and gets one themselves, so one an so forth, making it popular. The more popular it is, the more popular it becomes, creating a snowball effect.

7- You can do projects with it

You can make projects with Instax prints [P] | Why is Instax so popular?

There’s so many things you can do with Instax film, making it perfect for decoration and other project. You can hang them on a string and have a strip of your images, you can decorate a wall with it or you can use them as scrapbook material. Again because this is a physical thing, anything you can think of in terms of decoration this can be of help.

8- It’s fun

The last reason Instax is popular is probably the main reason why besides the look. It’s simply fund for everyone. Anyone can pick up an Instax and make pictures, and serious photographers can put the fun back into photography. because serious photographers have to think about light, aperture, settings and more and the simplicity and joy of making images can get lost, and this camera brings it back.

The Instax Liplay is one of the few Instax Hybrids. Magical printing moment!

Amateurs, kids and pros alike love Instax because it is fun. There is nothing in this world that is more exciting (photographically speaking) than watchin your print be white and slowly becoming a picture.


I hope you have enjoyed this article about why is Instax so popular. It comes down to the time we live in. Instagram pushed the retro look into the public sphere, triggering nostalgia in older people and intrigue in the younger people for the real thing.

The feeling of pressing a button and seeing your image come alive is pretty much unbeatable and shooting Instax is fun. All of these are the reasons why Instax is so popular. Check out the Instax guide for more information.

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